Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Scrub the Day Away

I have an obsession with beauty products. I read about them on the Internet or magazines and then I have to try something. One of these necessities in my life is a body scrub. I made it the first 23 years of my life with the dead skin just sitting on me all the time. I was not the smoothest I could be. Maybe I'd be married by now if I had discovered this miracle of a product before then.

It wasn't that I didn't know that it existed I just couldn't afford it on my college life budget. A good body scrub is about $15-$20 and it doesn't last that long. I would draw it out and only exfoliate on the weekends. It wasn't enough so I moved to every other day. Then I just went through the stuff faster.

I know I don't need it but I love the way the stuff makes me feel. I also can't stand the stuff they sell at drugstores. It has to be huge pieces of sand that scrape against. I need to feel it working. Also a lot of brands that are that rough have an oily base to them. Not horrible but not great. I found one that I loved but went through it in about two weeks.

Then I found it. The perfect remedy. The Buf Puff. I had heard a lot about this loofah when it first came out in the nineties (maybe it was just a resurgence). Never thought anything about it then I was at Ulta and I though for four dollars I can try this thing out.

I love love it!! All the dead skin is gone and I can use it with normal body wash and replace it after about two months. It comes in different levels of abrasiveness. I went for original. It is intended to be used for your face but I think it might be too rough (turns out they have one specifically for body just did some Internet research). Although I could get a gentle one because I use face scrub too (I do like the classic St. Ives Apricot scrub though).

Just a thought for people who might have the same problem that I do.

The Buf Puff.

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